A new Sealion campaign – again!

First, some administration information. I have cancelled my domain renewal for Generalwhiskers.com and my wordpress subscription, after Jetpack started being awkward. It would be good if I could find a way to preserve my archive, but if it vanishes into the wilderness of unavailable sites, so be it. I have decided that most of my posts here can be equally well sent to the relevant Facebook groups without a paid subscription. This site will remain open until February 2024.

However, This is something that while the site exists I would like to post here. My new “Sealion” campaign (the proposed invasion of Britain in 1940) is underway and almost immediately revised. My original plan was to use my 3mm troops with “Travel Battle” boards with additional terrain added as necessary. The scale was to be 1 unit base = 1 company and a ground scale of one 1″ = 180 yards, or about 10″ (one board side) = 1 mile.

This is not working well. I have fought one battle, and German Fallschirmjaeger have captured Lympne airfield, defended only by Bofors AA guns. My next battle is the night-time airborne attack on the Airfield at Hawkinge.

I have decided to adjust my scale to one model base (5 figures or 1 gun or vehicle) represents a platoon or troop equivalent. Thus 1 figure is about 8 men, one tank, gun or vehicle is 2 or 3. The ground scale (still on a 1″ square grid) is 75 yards to the inch or 24 inches to the mile.

For this battle I have been able to find an ordnance survey map from 1945, with the RAF airfield carefully omitted (as is, for example, Aldermaston on today’s maps), and an “evolving” map of the airfield itself. Thank you internet.

This then will be my battlefield, with some adjustments. I already have an “airfield” model of 4″ x 3″ for the smaller scale with a control tower, nissen huts, a blast shelter for aircraft and an emplacement for an AA gun. This will (placed as well as possible) become the area shaded in the above map. The remaining airfield area must be fenced off in some way, probably by walls and hedges from stock. I have yet to find a good way to make wire fencing in 3mm/1:600.

I also plan to take apart my 2″ x 2″ town and village bases to use as individual houses for greater flexibility.

To follow more of my progress I refer you to these facebook groups:

3mm & 1/600 Models and Gaming https://www.facebook.com/groups/1455669528088947/

Wargaming Operation Sealion (reboot) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1411771809173385/

Solo mini wargaming – Ideas and discussion https://www.facebook.com/groups/263342390505109/

Thank you for following me in the past. A few more posts may appear until the site disappears.

Published by

General Whiskers

Wargaming butterfly (mainly solo), unpainted model figure amasser, and Historical Re-enactor of the black powder era.

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