A voyage around my father – part 3

Having settled into my hotel I set out to explore the downtown area.  I had with me copies of advertisements from “The Patrician”, the station magazine of RAF Patricia Bay, and I intended to seek out those establishments that were still active after nearly 75 years.  As I was somewhat befuddled, it being around 2pm in Victoria but 10pm in “real time”, I restricted myself on day one to exploring Government Street.  Of the dozen or so traders advertising in 1942, only three existed in their original premises.

One was W & J Wilson.  I seem to have lost the photograph but this link is to their website.


The lady running the shop told me that when they had a clear out a couple of years ago they found dozens of RAF coats still in stock.

The second shop appeared to be practically unchanged.


Morris 01
Unfortunately I did not capture the top storey of the building which still shows “E.A.Morris”

This shop retains a traditional interior:

Morris 02.JPG

I took the opportunity to purchase a new pipe.  When I was a lad my father had a meerschaum pipe with the bowl carved into the head of what we were allowed in those days to call an Indian chief, complete with feather headdress.  I believe he bought it in Canada and in all likelihood from this shop.  Alas, such things are not now available but this is my tribute pipe:


I have no idea how the business is still running because during the week I did not find a single place except the ferry terminal and the deck of the ferry itself where I could enjoy a pipe.  Naturally the hotel was off limits, but so was the balcony.  Signs on many shops proclaimed a bye-law banning smoking within 7 metres of any door, window or air inlet to the building.  No smoking signs were prominent in the public parks and on the beaches and for obvious reasons in the forests.

Of course the Hudson’s Bay Company still exists but has been transformed into a multi-floor shopping Mall (The Bay Centre), with Hudson’s Bay Co. as a department store at one end of it.

Hudson's Bay Company.jpg

The Bay centre

One other establishment still running but in new premises was Brown’s Nurseries.  More about them in a later posting.

To be continued…


A voyage around my father – part 2

Arriving in Victoria I checked into the hotel, the Best Western Inner Harbour.  I had chosen this hotel partly because I have a loyalty card with this chain and mainly because it was within a short stroll of Victoria’s harbour and downtown area.

Entering my room I was surprised to find a fully fitted kitchen.

Hotel kitchen 01

This was going to enhance my stay.  I checked out the view from the balcony.

View from balcony 01

Not a very cheery view, until I focussed on this element:

View 01aThings were beginning to look better.  I don’t know how Canadians do their shopping, but I later spotted that the parking limit at this shop was THREE MINUTES maximum!

I then discovered a second balcony with this view:

View from balcony 02

A pleasant little park and between the trees a glimpse of the harbour and the seaplane dock.  The seaplanes proved to be a bit noisy at times, but in general added to the holiday experience.  I was told by the harbour tour guide later that on the day of my arrival flights were suspended for some time due to “Whale on the landing strip”.    That beats every other excuse for delayed transportation that I have heard in the past.

And so, unpacked and settled into my home for the week, I set out to explore the city.

To be continued…



A voyage round my father – part 1

Last week I visited Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in search of my father.

As reference material I had his photograph album, luckily in the main annotated in his copperscript hand. As a backup I had the collection of his old RAF station magazines “The Patrician” from July 1942 to February 1944.

I flew to Vancouver Airport (My ideal would have been to cruise across the Atlantic and take the Canadian Pacific Railway to Vancouver, but alas it could not be achieved.)

This picture shows why, even on the approach, I could understand my father’s wish to return to live in this beautiful place after the War.

BC ferry 06

More experiences to follow…